
  • LaunchPad Predict

    A predictive analytics platform written in Python that combines machine learning and human decision making to ensure a consistent and quicker candidate sifting whilst reducing both the risk of missing hidden gems & hiring unsuitable candidates.


    •  Machine Learning: Python scientific stack: scikit-learn, Numpy, Pandas, NLTK (NLP),
      TensorFlow, …
    • Application Layer: Flask, PostgreSQL, microservice architecture, serverless (AWS Lambda, API Gateway, CloudFormation, DynamoDB, SQS queues), S3, structlogs, AWS CloudWatch.
    • Data Science/Data Engineering tooling: MLflow, AWS Batch, Apache Airflow, AWS Sagemaker.
    • Devops/DataOps, CI: Docker, GitHub, Circle CI.

    Project website

  • LaunchPad Verify

    A recruitment analytics platform written in Node.js. It is a tool that provides insights on reviewer scoring consistency and bias aiming to ensure fairer, more consistent hiring decisions.


    •  Application Layer: Node.js (ES6), Express.
    • Data Layer: PostgreSQL, Sequelize ORM, ironMQ.
    • Testing, Devops, CI: Mocha, testem, Docker, GitHub, Circle CI.

    Project website